VDU Based SM’s Panel for MSDAC|VDU in Railway Signalling

 VDU Based SM’s Panel for  MSDAC- VDU in Railway Signalling

VDU Based SM’s Panel for  MSDAC

Station Master’s (SM’s) Reset Panel

Reset Panel is used by Station Master for applying the reset when required. The salient features of SMs panel are as follows

• Power OK indication

• Reset Button & SMs Key

• Indications for giving track section in CLEAR, track section OCCUPIED, track section in PREPARATORY & LINE VERIFICATION.

• 6 digit reset counter provided for recording the resets The SMs Panel is hardware based equipment that operates on 24V DC supplied from DC to DC converter card. 

It consists of 8 channel reset card that generates the Reset packet for resetting. This packet

is then processed by Central Evaluator. 

Central Evaluator resets the track section after verifying the reset conditions. 

On successful resetting, reset card receives the updated packets and the current track

section status is displayed on various LEDs.

The software verifies the SMs key and generates the packet in the form of reset command that is sent on 4- wire interface with SMs panel and central evaluator.

What is VDU based SM’s Panel?

VDU based SM’s Panel: It is Graphical User Interface (GUI) installed on single board computer and displays the track section status on Visual Display Unit or Monitor. 

The GUI generates the Reset packet for resetting. 

This packet is then processed by Central Evaluator. 

Central Evaluator resets the track section after verifying the reset conditions. On successful resetting, GUI receives the updated packets and the current track section status is displayed on VDU.

Why is VDU based SM’s Panel Required?

MSDAC has been designed to monitor 40 Detection points and to display of 40 track sections on the SMs panel.

 Currently, it is supplied with SMs Panel having capability to display maximum 15 track sections in single enclosure. 

In case there is requirement to display more track sections, new SMs panel enclosure

is required or multiple equipment of SMs panel is required to cater to track sections above 15 sections.

To install multiple SMs panel, Additional space and wiring will be required in the SMs Room which are already very crowded and restrict movement. 

MSDAC has been designed to be upgraded at the site. 

If Railways decides to add more vital relay outputs i.e. for supervisory track circuit etc then present SMs panel needs to be replaced with bigger SMs Panel or multiple SMs Panel Enclosure. 

VDU based SM’s reset panel is already suited for 40 track sections.

VDU Based SM’s Panel

VDU based SMs panel with graphical user interface has been developed to cater to these limitations.

Upgraded SMs Reset panel performs all the functions performed by current SMs Panel without any of the above mentioned limitations. 

The updated SMs Panel has been designed to cater to overcome limitation of 15 track sections.

The new SMs panel is completely user configurable.

The new SMs Panel is compact and can display 40 track sections output without any wiring change. 

The GUI has in-built to feature to extend the desired voltage to site for verification of Line manually. 

This takes place through line verification Interface card that performs all the functions of line verification and it then sends the output to GUI and ensures that section is verified manually.

Salient Features of VDU based SM’s Panel

• Displays the track section status on VDU.

• Password Protection for use by Authorised Users.

• Line Verification through Line Verification Box and is configurable.

• Similar in layout as of existing reset panel for easy adaptability.

• User Configuration to use the same naming convention of track circuits as per yard layout.

• Various track section status are available. Information like 

– Track Clear

– Track Occupied

– Line Verification

– Preparatory Reset

– Reset Count

• Line Verification Interface card: - The Line verification (LV) Interface Card will be used along

with VDU based Reset panel for MSDAC for verifying the Line Manually

• Interfaces directly with Central Evaluator (CE) on industry standard RS-422 protocol.

• Operates using normal keyboard and mouse.

Advantages of VDU based SM’s Panel

• The GUI is user configurable. Hence, the same equipment can be used up to 40 track sections.

• The new SMs reset Panel is compact.

• The VDU Based reset panel is can display maximum of 40 track sections as compared to 15 track section only without modifying the enclosure.

• The VDU based is operated through the GUI software and PC therefore more reliable as compared to hardware based SMs reset panel.

• The Reset Panel can be operated from Stations in case Central Evaluator is installed in the mid section or relay hut or Goomty by using special purpose modem.

VDU - VISUAL DISPLAY UNIT Railway Signal Control

What is Full form of VDU?

VDU stands for Visual Display Unit.

What is Full form of VDU in Railway?

VDU stands for Visual Display Unit.

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